This is for people who are already proficient at doing basic pull-ups and chin-ups and want to take their training to the next level. It's also pretty funny for anyone who enjoys a bit of gym humor.
New to the Powertec Workbench Multisystem? Then let Team Powertec athlete Ian Lauer show you some basic moves for athletic development. He also discusses the importance of sports training and how regular training can help improve your game. There are a lot of exercises out there, but you need to use the right exercises with the right amount of weight and proper movements in order to be fully functional on the field.
When you train, don't just aim to grow big, but rather aim to be functional once you've reached your greatest physique. Weight training isn't only applicable to bodybuilding; it helps you achieve the physique you have always wanted. In the video below, Team Powertec athlete Ian Lauer shares a few tips on triceps training using the Powertec Workbench Multisystem.
A certified strength and conditioning specialist, demonstrates the fat burn circuit with the Powertec Workbench Multisystem. He talks about maintaining muscle, gaining muscle, and losing fat with the right set of workouts. In this workout, you will need to use a circuit which involves moving from one exercise to another and doing everything in the same order several times in a row.
This video guide demonstrates the best back exercises to use with the Powertec Workbench Multisystem. A lot of people focus more on training the chest and forget about the importance of developing the back muscles - creating an odd posture. This doesn't only look odd but also makes you more susceptible to injury. Be sure to use exercise equipment properly, otherwise you risk hurting yourself.
Do you own a Powertech Workbench? If you do, learn how to exercise effectively while using the Powertec Workbench Multisystem in this walkthrough of the system. This tutorial will demonstrate how to make sure that every rep counts rather than just counting each rep. With appropriate technique, you will get the best out of your training session.
One of the top fitness models and Powertec athlete Rob Riches, demonstrates timing and tempo using the Powertec Workbench Multisystem. He emphasizes the importance of both factors in your workout for building more muscle and mass as they both effect your speed and your power. Apply this to your regular workout set and feel the difference.
This how-to video is for anybody looking to gain lean muscle right in the convenience of your own home with little to no equipment. The intensity and variety of these exercises makes for an effective muscle-building workout.
The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. This article's purpose is to give you the hard truths, advice, and workout for gaining a hard body and new look.
Consistently used in many forms of physical training, the push up has been considered one of the best physical tests of muscular fitness and endurance. Namely known for its use in the military as well as other physically demanding activities such as boxing and the martial arts, the push up is necessary for any physical examination in which many struggle with.
If you want to plank, you need core strength. Take your planking to the next level by practicing the exercise shown in this video. How do you know this exercise will help your planking? Well, it's called the plank so that's a good start.
Bones are involved in a constant dynamic process of degeneration and regeneration. The various cells include bone-making osteoblasts (which mature into osteocytes), and osteoblasts, which are involved in dissolving bone. As the bones break down, they release minerals which are carried in the blood to various sites -for example, calcium helps skeletal, heart and involuntary muscles to contract. Dissolved bone tissue is immediately replaced by new crystals derived from fresh blood coming into the...
Want to know what lifts the Navy SEALs do? Check out this video to learn how to build real strength, with just three simple exercises. Good form is important in powerlifting, so make sure you know what you are doing before you start an exercise.
If you've ever tried to climb a rope before, you know it's not easy. Learn how the Navy SEALs do it. This video shows you how to climb a rope for fitness and strength, along with a couple other exercises that develop extreme stamina and power.
A strong core is the key to a healthy, strong body. And who knows more about core strength than the elite Navy SEALs? Check out this workout video to learn three simple exercises that will get your abs, lower back, glutes, and more in top shape.
Are you looking to slim down and get fit? Want to get rid of your annoying love handles? Add the woodchopper to your routine and improve your core strength and overall fitness. This video provides a clear demonstration of the proper technique for this rotational exercise using a free weight for resistance.
This exercise will help work out both your lats and your core abdomnial muscles! You will need an assortment of dumbbells for this exercise to work. Don't forget to stretch, and always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen!
Whether it's your friend's wedding or your own, it's so important to look drop dead gorgeous on the wedding day. If you're a bride or bridesmaid who's looking to firm up and look like a ravishing, glowing princess, then check out this video for great tips on how to work out with limited time and get your skin smooth and bright.
When it comes to burning fat and muscle building, we're not going to lie to you: No pain, no gain. So if you've committed yourself to toning your family pack and achieving firm muscles instead of chunky flab this new year, check out this fitness video for a quick routine that burns fat.
Want to look like a Spartan - or, at least the "300" version of a Spartan? Then look no further than this fun and intense video. Using a few pieces of gym equipment and your own body weight, you'll pull, jump, and push your way to a lean, mean body.
It may not be Sparta in your living room or gym, but you can certainly look like a Spartan - at least the "300" version of a Spartan - by completing this intense, sweat-until-you-drop exercise routine.
Even the worst, most crappy MMA fighters have a body so lean and muscular you could probably bounce quarters off of it. So whether you're gearing up to be an MMA fighter - or simple want the body of one - this video will teach you all you need to shape up.
This excercise is not for beginners - only try this if you have a spotter nearby. You will need a bench to support your back, and a pair of dumbbells to perform this properly (make sure your dumbbells are calibrated for you).
Without a doubt the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show airing tonight is going to inspire lots of women to get off of their rear end and start sweating and toning for the holiday party season. No pain, no gain, right?
When you want to build muscle fast it is extremely important that before you do anything else that you get highly motivated before you embark on your mission to gain muscle so...
Many people go about spot fat removal wrong. First of all, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. It's impossible to get rid of fat in just one area, so if you want to make your abs flat and toned but there's too much flab covering it at the moment, you need to do lots of cardio to burn off the fat and strength training so that once your fat slides off your muscles are visible.
If you want a tight, lean stomach and obliques so sculpted you'd make Jillian Michaels jealous, then the only way to get what you want is to complete alternating days of cardio with strength training.
Push throughs are essentially modified crunches. Rather than crunching upwards with your hands at your sides, you pull your hands together and through your two legs for extra upper abdominal work.
No pain, no gain. Well, at least when it comes to toning your flab and revealing those hard six-pack abs that have been hiding under all that stuffing you got from last winter's holiday revelry.
The Twinkie diet is about as ridiculous as the cookie diet. While proponents of the diet say that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn off, you'll lose weight, they forget to mention that you're losing muscle as well as fat.
Want to tone every muscle of your body at the same time while building strength that's so crucial for performing well as an athelete? Then the Heavy A Prowler move is exactly what you need to add to your workout regimen.
Eliminate the FUPA from your body! This fitness video will show you the cure to that nasty "Fat Upper Pubic Area" that most woman have trouble with. That belly flab is a no-go, so start using this abs workout to begin exercising your abdominal area and feeling great again. You don't need to go the gym for this exercise routine… you just need some motivation and a workout ball.
Getting pectorals that ripple and bulge beneath shirts and arms that broadcast from sleeves requires a bit of work on your part (duh). That's where this video comes in.
How you work out your abs determines how they'll appear in the long run. Not only are the type of ab exercises you do important, but also the frequency with which you do them.
Dips are great exercises, in or out of the gym, and are easily done. They're the perfect exercise for working out your triceps brachii and pectoralis muscles. This also works out a secondary muscle— the deltoids. THe beginner to intermediate exercise is a great way to work all three muscles. All you need to do this exercise is the vertical knee raise towers which most gyms have. For those who are new to this exercise and are unable to lift themselves, you can use the weight assistance to build...
The truth is, it's not about how many repititions of an exercise you do; it's about how well you hold the form and what kind of exercise you do. Heck, you could probably do 1,000 sit ups a day and still have some extra flab on your belly. That's because sit ups only tone the upper portion of your core, making the rest liable to grow chub.
Slosh sled dragging is, as you may guess, dragging a weight. Like dragging a sleigh with your brother sitting on it during the winter, slosh sled dragging operates on the same principle of pull and, well, pull.
In this tutorial we learn how to get rid of your love handles. The simple answer is that there is no ab exercise that is going to burn love handles. The key is that you are looking to burn the maximum amount of calories. The abs are very small muscles, sit ups aren't going to get rid of your love handles. You must do workouts that incorporate your whole body and muscle mass so you burn the most amount of calories that is possible. Once you do the proper workouts, then you will be able to start...
You don't need a pricy gym membership or a personal trainer to achieve a celebrity-worthy body. In fact, all you really need to tone up at home is a yoga mat, a few good exercise videos, and some weights. After all, your own body is often more than enough to act as its own resistance during workouts.
This won't be a fancy video or have crazy photos of before and after. I'm not insanely buff nor do I use supplements/drugs to stay fit. Just have a look at my photo and decide if that's how you want to look. As the title suggests, you don't need to use a gym, you don't need a new diet or any kind of supplements (although a sensible intake of food is really good for you anyway).
In this brief health-minded video tutorial from ICYou, we learn about the benefits and strength-building potential of the cross-training exercise method. For details, and to get started creating and following your own custom cross-training exercise routine, watch this free video guide.
Take it from people who have done jump burpees before: These exercises, though they look easy, are some of the hardest you will ever do in a cardio routine since they are extremely aerobic.
In this video, we learn how to get a bigger butt with squats. First, place your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Then, point your toes out at a 45 degree angle and look straight ahead. Squat down as deep as you can while carrying a bar. Repeat this again, making sure you are keeping your head up and looking straight ahead. The deeper your squats, the larger your butt will be from the muscle you are building. Continue to do this for several reps, then add in more weights as your body gets...
Don't let bikini season be the only motivation for you to work out and flaunt toned, cheese grater abs and lengthy, sculpted arms. Whether you want your midsection and arms to look good in a new cocktail dress for happy hour or you just want to feel and look more fit in general, these arm and midsection exercises will get you there.
In this tutorial, we learn how to get a bigger butt using two chairs. First, stand in between the two chairs and put your hands on the chair in front of you. After this, put your foot on the back chair and squat down, placing your back knee on the ground. Your other leg should be out in front of you. Do not let your knee go over your toes as you are squatting down. Go down as far as you can without your heels coming off of the ground. Do this right and you will get a bigger butt in no time and...
#1 WAIST TRIMMERSit towards the edge of a chair with your back perfectly straight and your hips firmly planted. Hold on to a water bottle, a book, or a dumbbell with both hands at chest-level. Keeping your hips still and squared toward the front, rotate your torso to the left, then back to center, and to the right. Keep abs contracted and use a slow, controlled motion so that your abs and obliques––not your arms––do the work. Rotate to each side 15-20 times and complete 2-3 sets.