Painting Tips: News

Henri Matisse - Voyage en Peinture
Lasciviously Lathered in Superhero Body Paint
Pour! Paint Puddle Psychedelia

The formula goes something like this: crazy amazing "life painting" artist Alexa Meadex the genius idea behind Van Gogh Photoshop magicx some mad make-up skills= voilà, a living, breathing, hyperrealistic facsimile of our one-eared icon, Vincent.
These hyperrealistic oil paintings by Pedro Campos are incredible. Inspired? Start small.
Sebastian Kruger is a German artist known for his "star caricaturist" paintings: stylistically exaggerated, realistically painted portraits of pop icons. My personal favorite depicts the classic Clint Eastwood stance (as Harry Callahan: Go ahead! Make my day!). Scroll below for the Stones, Tom Waits, Michael Jackson and more.
Students of Columbus College of Art & Design have created an "interactive" 8-bit mural, with a Super Mario Bros. backdrop. Mario and Luigi have been omitted so passers-by can jump into level 1-1.
Italian artist Guido Daniele is a master of illusion. Hired by an advertising agency to create body paintings of animals, Guido more than surpassed the concept with several different campaigns. Check out these insanely well crafted hand paintings, and if you're really digging it, try these temporary tattoo animal hand puppets. Doesn't quite compare to Guido, but fun, nonetheless.
At age 32, Tetsuya Ishida apparently threw himself in front of a speeding train. No huge surprise given his exceedingly twisted paintings. To us, he seems to possess a certain internet sensibility. Precisely executed, bizarre, and dark in theme. We dig him.
In honor of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, ESPN commissioned the Wieden+Kennedy ad agency (the same group that did the amazing aquarium Nikes) and the AM I Collective (a group of artists based in Cape Town, South Africa) to create 32 murals, depicting each and every team. Very nice work, beautifully done.
Wow, naked + batman + tattoo/body painting = some pretty "out-there" art...
Washington, D.C. based artist Alexa Meade completely redefines traditional body painting. She paints with acrylic paint directly on human flesh and clothing, making her subjects appear as if they were part of a painting (or a living painting immersed in everyday life).