You've seen the Samsung Fingers and the Emoji Translator, and I know you spent a good part of the day catching Pokémon, but now that April Fool's Day is officially upon us, the flood of gags has reached a tipping point. Here's the best of what we've seen today.
Latest sneeze prank video, from professional pranksters over at DM Pranks Productions. This is a followup from the epic "sneeze prank gone wrong" I posted last week. Check this out, simply amazing!
The idea behind this sneeze prank was brilliant, the only problem is this guys got busted BIG TIME... and this hot blooded Italian guy got back at them, with a vengeance. this is possibly the funniest epic fail seen in a reaaaaaally long time!
Even though it seems like forever, the phenomenon of "rickrolling" has only been around since 2007. It was started as an inside joke by a 19-year-old who just wanted to troll his buddies, but ended up becoming one of the Internet's most popular memes with over 66 million views (as of this writing).
Improv Everywhere's 10th annual no-pants subway ride gave 10,000 New Yorkers an excuse to ride the tubes in their skivvies this month. Good, but not as good as last year's April Fools faux-genital baring ride. Scroll below the video of the NYC ride to see other participating cities around the world.
If you've ever had to call a large communications company with a customer service issue, you've most likely experienced the hopelessly not-at-all helpful operator from hell. Thanks to a program on VRT Belgium, you can now experience a small sense of vengeance for tortured customers everywhere.
Some prankster... ahem, erected... a giant penis crop circle at the Eiffel Tower, in Paris, this past Friday. My first thought? Photoshop. BUT, according to French journalist Aude Baron the... ahem, erection... is real:
Reddit user smellslikeurine is seeking advice for a "friend of a friend" who recently pulled a clever prank on an evil bully, and may now be legally liable:
Look what came in the mail today! The File Cabinet from hell. Die hard Jackass fan and file cabinet mod-junkie Jeff Dahlin tracked us down to drop off this gem at WonderHowTo HQ today. It is his official entry for the Jackass Prank Contest.
The clock is tickin'... Time to get those Jackass 3D Prank Contest entries in. And to remind you of what's at stake, here's an exclusive sneak preview from the upcoming Jackass 3D, straight from the source.
Has the new season of Jersey Shore brought out your inner hooligan? Or better yet... does the anticipation of the new Jackass 3D movie have you itching to debase and humiliate your best pals? Fortunately, it's just about time to head back to school. And if you have a roommate, well....we pity him/her.
Every day of the week, WonderHowTo curators are hard at work, scouring the web for the greatest and most inspiring how-to videos. Every Friday, we'll highlight our favorite finds.
Nine-year-old Azura of Middle Road, Worcester (England) inadvertently pranked her whole neighborhood (and whoever else happened to be browsing the area on Google Street View) when she dropped "dead" to the pavement.
Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It...
A radical art group of Russian political pranksters, who go by the name of Voina, have delivered a giant "Up Yours!" to the Russian government... in the form of a 213-foot-tall penis.
F.A.T. (Free Art and Technology) presents a project in celebration of F*ck Google Week, F.A.T.'s protest against Google's totalitarian rule of the web (read more). F.A.T. Lab built a fake Google Street View car and canvased the streets of Berlin, posed as Google.
Hello New Year. Guess what? Vacation is almost over, and I don't feel like going to work. The Puritans were so … 17th century. That was then. I am now. So, here is my resolution: I want to help usher in a new stage in American industry: enlightened entitlement. No more feeling guilty. I won't sneak around. I just won't work terribly hard. I am liberating the slacker within. To help ring in the New Year, join me in watching this inspirational video: How to be the laziest person in...
This one starts out pretty tame with the water prank. But rest assured, the second round pen prank satisfies. We very much appreciate the 'safety' of adding water to the pen body in case the flame gets out of control. Nobody laughs at third degree burns.
First off, this is not Photoshopped. Spotted off the coast of Antarctica, this iceberg is a naturally sculpted wonder. The UK Metro concluded it was another devastating, or beautiful, result of global warming.
Middle school lunch tables are begging for this prank. Wait, who are we kidding? Everybody's lunch table could use a ketchup explosion every once in a while!