Prop 25 prevents a suspension in CA's budget. It means that legislators will not get paid if the budget is not passed on time. A budget will be passed with the vote of a small majority rather than two-thirds like it was before. However, a two-thirds vote is required to increase taxes.Schools support this because this prop will destroy budget cuts. Some of the main supporters are:California School Employees AssociationAssociated Students of The University of California, BerkeleyAmerican...
Check out this easy way to find your polling place for the Election tomorrow November 2nd.
On "Whitman and Brown's Final Debate A Contentious One" by Cathleen Decker from Los Angeles Times, she talks about how both rivals continue attacking each other. They are too busy making each other look bad in front of the public, instead of offering details on how to fix the troubled state (CA). In the final debate, Brown apologized to Whitman for the negative ads; Whitman didn't necessarily accept his apology. With only three days left for Election day, I have a feeling that the negative...
On October 26, 2010, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the two candidates had a discussion at the Maria Shriver's Women's Conference. The discussion was about California's future and no one would be disrespected. Matt Lauer, the co- anchor of NBC- TV asked the candidates if they would both be willing to make a pledge that would replace the negative ads with positive ads. Since Whitman was against the pledge, Brown said, " First of all, you have to remember sometimes negativity is in the eye of...
After analyzing the varied menu of Propositions on the California ballot this November, students agreed that one stood out in their minds: Proposition 23, which seeks to suspend implementation of Assembly Bill 32, a law passed in 2006 that imposes fines on major polluters in our state. Needless to say, the backing and financing for Proposition 23 comes almost exclusively from corporations that pollute our land, water, and air to an extreme degree, and the campaign they have launched posits a...
After a careful analysis of the relative merits of the Democratic and Republican party candidates in this year's gubernatorial election (see previous threads on each candidate) the class has endorsed Jerry Brown's candidacy and will be posting regular updates on positions, poll results, and reports from the campaign.
On September 23, 2010 an article was published from Jerry Brown's website, denouncing Texas Oil who are funding Proposition 23 campaign. Jerry Brown called on Meg Whitman to be honest with her plans to dismantle the state program to fight global warming.
Valero Energy Corp. is one of many oil companies that supports Proposition 23. Valero Corp. is fined over thousands of dollars for polluting our air...
What do you think of Brown's first TV ad? Do you think he'd be doing better in the polls if he spent more money on ads? FYI according to Brown's campaign, Whitman has run over 45,000 ads since the primary.
From the Huffington Post: Billionaire Republican Meg Whitman reported Monday that she has spent more than $99 million in her quest to become California's governor, while Democrat Jerry Brown is saving money for what could become the most expensive gubernatorial contest in American history.