Not stretching after a good run will definitively set you up for injury or muscular pain. While stretching before a workout lubricates your joints to prepare them for work, stretching afterwards helps prevent you from building too much bulk so you get long, lean muscles, and so your tensed up muscles can relax again.
Are you an avid runner who's jogged almost every day since your twenties but have found recently that you just can't run as long, or that you start to feel pain more easily? Then check out this running video for a helpful series of technique drills that will help you strengthen your muscles and correct your form.
Why run in intervals rather than either slow, medium speed, or fast during your daily jog? Interval training, which alternates between slow, medium, and fast, surprises your body by constantly changing the pace. This makes your body work harder in the same amount of time as your usual run.
If you're a habitual runner - or you want to become one - then it's super important that you run correctly. Even if you don't notice it at first, running with the wrong alignment can cause leg and back issues later on that are extremely painful and difficult to deal with.
Running on natural terrain - we're talking forests, hills, etc. - is nothing at all like running on flat, paved concrete. But despite this fact many runners who switch from concrete to a natural trail don't change their running technique to adapt to the new terrain. This is not a good idea because it can cause serious injury.
Running uphill is way harder than tumbling downhill or running on a flat surface due to the incline. And when you're running on natural terrain, like a hill, the incline can change quickly and can also be clouded by rocks, plants, and other things that get in the way.
Calf drops are simple exercises that produce big results. Calf drops involve standing up on your toes on an elevated plank, shifting your weight to one foot, and then lowering yourself down.
Shin splints suck, as you may well know if you've ever been forced to run two miles in P.E. with shin splints. But you don't have to just accept them as a fact of life, especially if you're a runner who jogs around a few days a week.
Stronger legs and feet equal more endurance capacity when running, whether you do long distance or prefer sprinting. So make sure you don't injure yourself and prevent plantar fasciitis by completing this simple runner's exercise.
Ugh, the dreaded shin splints. Almost any habitual runner has experienced it: a sharp, tight pain in your shins that jolts you uncomfortably every time you move. And for those who are on their feet regularly, like runners and dancers, shin splints can be a big pain in the ass.
If you can walk, then you can do this exercise. Many exercise moves force you to contort your body like a German pretzel, often resulting in tilting over in a ball of confusion before the lifting or the squating even begin.
It's important to keep up your fitness regime year round. As tempting as it may be to abandon outdoor exercise like running in the wintertime, you can't give in to the cold.In this tutorial, learn how to dress properly for cold weather running so that you'll barely remember the season.Seasoned runner, Tim Vanorden shows you the best clothing to wear when running outdoors in the winter or any other chilly day of the year. By following the advice and tips in this video, you will be prepared and...
First, as you run you need to maintain good breathing techniques. Therefore, it is important to look straight forward, not clench your jaw but keep it relaxed, and just breath in a natural manner, not worrying about whether you are breathing through your mouth, or nose, nor other respiratory concerns. It is important to remember "that your body naturally finds the most efficient and effect way to run." Consequently, you should let your body guide your style. Next, you need to maintain a good...
Chi running focuses on core muscles, integrating body and mind, and long-term performance to enhance the joy of running. In this tutorial, you will learn how to harness your Chi and improve your running technique and overall fitness.You Will Need • Focus • Technique • Deep breaths • Good posture • Form
Increased speed is what every runner wants. Enabling your legs to move freely but in perfect form is key to getting the most out of each step as you run. This video will demonstrate how to increase speed and stride length by running stairs.
You've been tying your shoes for years but did you know you could be tying them the wrong way. This guide is going to show you how to make a reef knot in your shoes instead of a granny knot. To figure out whether or not you need shoe lace training look at the knot you make, if it sits evenly on foot with the bows going left and right then you've got a reef knot. If your laces go north and south and point towards your toes then you need to watch the guide. Step 1, is to make a starter knot,...
Joel Harper from Runners World TV is going to show you how an ab workout properly named the "karate kid". For this ab exercise you are going to need a small medicine ball preferably one with sand inside and you are going to want to place it between your two feet while standing. Now, you want to squeeze the ball with your feet and then jump and try and toss the ball as far as you can into the air. Depending on the health of your knees you can work on flexibility also by after throwing it into...
Sprinytting isn't just running to your maximum level. There is technique to maximize your runs, gain speed and get the best workout possible. This video show you exactly how to improve your sprinting technique.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn about overproduction and if they have a overproduction gait pattern. Overproduction is when, after heel-strike, the foot rolls more than 15 degrees inward to meet the ground. Overproduction is more typical in runners with low arches. To check if you have a overproduction pattern, check the wear marks on the bottom of your shoes. Overproduction causes heavy wear along the heel and inside of the forefoot. Overproduction is natural and can cause injuries....
Users will need an exercise ball to perform this exercise. Begin by going on your knees and elbows on the ball. Users basically go into a plank position in the ball. Now users will need to go into a straight position from the shoulders to the knees. Now users will draw the alphabet using their elbows, while rolling the ball. To make the exercise more challenging, users may choose to lift one or both knees off the ground while doing the exercise. This video will benefit those viewers who want to...
Normal pronation is when running your foot hits heel first, then toe, then pushing off with the inside of your toe. It is usually found in runners who have normal arches. This type of running ensures that all of your weight is moving forward with little wasted motion. At the end of your stride your forefoot should be slightly angled away from your body and when your foot lands there should be a very slight angle between your foot and leg. You can check the wear on your shoes to tell if you...
When the foot does not roll inward enough after the outside of the heel hits the ground, this results in Underpronation. The act of underpronation is visually depicted by an individual running on a treadmill; as the runner slows down via slow motion, one can see that the excess pressure of the body is only bearing down on the outside edges of the person's feet, as the foot neglects to roll inward. One can tell if they are underpronating by checking their footwear (running shoes, etc.), to see...
To do the samurai chop grab a medicine ball with both hands. Put your feet adjacent to each other (keep them very close). Lift the medicine ball up and to the left of your body. Then bring it down and to the right of your body. After this you can do it on the others side, up to the right and down to the left. For beginners 6-10 repetitions recommended for each side and for the more advanced 11-14 repetitions. If this is too easy lift your left food up and then bring your medicine ball up and to...
Breathing oxygen is an extremely important component of staying alive, right? Well, the same goes for running. If you're not breathing properly, you're running is going to suffer.The most important thing is that you breathe comfortably. Do what feels right. Your body breathes instinctively - even while you're sleeping, your lungs and corresponding muscles are going through the motions. Running while breathing does not have to be complicated. As long as oxygen is entering your respiratory...
Follow along as Budd Coates shows us a workout designed to teach us to run faster over tough inclines. The workout is called Sixes and Sevens. -After a 15-20 minute workout on the treadmill increase the incline of the treadmill to 6%. We are going to do this at a Marathon Pace for 90 seconds. -Then take a one minute recovery at 0% incline. -Then boost the incline up to 7%, do this at a Marathon Pace for one minute. -Then take another recovery for two minutes at 0% incline. -That is considered...
This shows us how to run faster by following a few tricks which we neglect without knowing them. This would help the athletes to run faster without wasting much of their energy with wrong postures. By taking care of these little things shown in the video one can make proper use of their stamina. Not only athletes but those who workout daily for their fitness of their body would be benefited.
There are a number of exercises you can do to improve your jumping and running. Start by standing with one leg forward and one leg back with both feet pointing forward. Keep the pressure on the heel of your front foot and position your back foot on its toes. Lower by bending your front knee and stop when your back knee almost touches the ground. Explode upwards extending both legs as you do. When landing try to remain balanced and return to the split squat position.
Shave precious seconds off your running time and you just might win your next 5K.You Will Need* Running shoes* Interval training* Strength training* Cross-training* Time trials* A caffeinated beverage
A daily, brisk 30-minute walk boosts brain power, helps control weight, and improves your overall health. And if you commit to doing it with friends, you're more likely to stick with it.
Sometimes no matter what you do laces always come undone. If you hate dealing with your laces always untying, try this next time you go out for a run or walk. Watch and learn a quick and easy way to tie the laces on your running shoes so that they don't interrupt your workout.
Watch this how to video to learn Nordic pole walking in 6 easy steps. Learn the basic of adjusting your poles to proper walking techniques. Its a great low impact outdoor exercise.
Mike Sell explains the perfect technique for running and running is the simplest of all activities. You simply place one foot in front of another and move forward, but you will enjoy running more when you are using these techniques.