With Americans living longer and longer, more and more of them are remaining at home in their old age. Seniors treasure their independence, but some precautions must be taken to ensure that their fragile bodies aren't put under undue stress. Watch this video to learn some ways that you can make a house safer for an elderly person you care about to live in.
As our parents and grandparents age, they begins to loose balance and coordination. Recognizing when seniors might fall is important to their health and safety. This how to video gives you seven great tips to keep your elderly loved ones from falling. Remember to have adequate lighting, space, handles, and walking aids for your seniors.
As our parents and grandparents age, they begins to loose balance and coordination. Recognizing when seniors might fall is important to their health and safety. This how to video gives you five indicators to look out for in the elderly. Walking aids and vision aids can help seniors from falling.